Research ManagementModule Details
Module/Course Description
Course Title: Research Management
Course Code: UU-MBA-715-ZM
Programme: Master of Business Administration - Oil, Gas and Energy Management
Credits: 25.00
Course Description:
Background and Rationale
The main objectives of this course are to develop the student’s understanding and skills of research in a management and/or professional development context and to be able to critically review a range of research methodologies and methods of providing management information for decision making.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course students will be expected to:
1) Identify the main differences between qualitative and quantitative research and the main characteristics of business research.
2) Identify a suitable area and issue related to business and conduct thorough literature review.
3) Effectively pose a research question and develop a research purpose in accordance with the guidelines of Qualitative and Quantitative study.
4) Use qualitative and quantitative methods for data collection on research.
5) Select a sampling method in order to satisfy a proposed research question.
6) Identify and apply the ethics issues related to business research.
7) Analyse findings in relation to the research objectives and qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection.
8) Produce a report for the findings of the data analysis.
9) Present the results of the data analysis.
Prerequisites: UU-MBA-712-ZM, UU-MBA-714-ZM, UU-MBA-717-ZM, UU-MBA-718-ZM, UU-MBA-730-ZM, UU-MBA-731-ZM, UU-Msc-IND100-ZM, UU-FNT-203-ZM
Prerequisites Categories: -
Typical Module duration: 7.0 Week(s)