Introduction to ManagementModule Details
Module/Course Description
Course Title: Introduction to Management
Course Code: UU-MAN-2010-ZM
Programme: Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration and International Relations-BL
Credits: 12.00
Course Description:
Introduction to Management provides the basic concepts and functions of management, a range of important supporting management processes, the nature of the external business environment and its effect on the organisation and its systemic nature. Human resources in management, teamwork, team playing, decision making, argument defend are all major advantages for a potentially professional career.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course students will be expected to:
(i) Discuss the importance of management both as an occupation and as a universal human activity.
(ii) View organisations as complex human activity systems.
(iii) Apply the basic management functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling.
(iv) Apply the main management processes.
(v) Explain in discussions how good management can help organisations become effective and efficient.
(vi) Critically evaluate the importance of the external business environment and its effect on the organisation.
(vii) Critically analyse the importance of human resources in management.
(viii) Critically analyse the importance of team work in management.
(ix) Carry out independent research using a variety of resources.
(x) Participate in debates on controversial management issues.
Prerequisites: UU-Bsc-IND100-ZM, UU-FNT-103-ZM
Prerequisites Categories: -
Typical Module duration: 4.0 Week(s)