Perspectives on Special Educational NeedsModule Details
Module/Course Description
Course Title: Perspectives on Special Educational Needs
Course Code: UU-EDU-2350-ZM
Programme: Bachelor of Education in Pre-Primary Education - BL
Credits: 12.00
Course Description:
Inclusion and inclusive education have developed as an alternative to special education, inclusive education expanded the responsibilities of schools to increase access, participation, and opportunities to learn for students with special education needs. This means that certain criteria were used according to which students were categorised and labelled as being ‘disabled’, ‘not normal’ etc. Depending on the category, students were educated in separate centres of learning. This form of discrimination was criticised by Human Rights movements, as they are strong supporters of human dignity. These movements laid the foundation for inclusion and inclusive education. Special education refers to specialized interventions or environmental modifications, differentiated pedagogies, adapted curricula or other accommodations and supports, provided to students who are considered ‘special’. The course will encourage a view that all individuals have varying degrees of skill and untapped potential for living lives of quality, meaning and purpose within society. Finally, the field of Special Educational Needs is vast, and as a result, students will be encouraged to develop and narrow their own particular areas of interest by focusing on a few key issues and ‘special’ students.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course students will be expected to:
i. Explain the concept barriers to learning and development.
ii. Analyse and identify the barriers to learning and development and why they are considered to be barriers.
iii. Describe the justifications of special education and inclusion, in terms of social justice, capability, human fulfilment and economic development.
iv. Identify constitutions that support inclusive education and quality education for all and other government policies and initiatives that favour diversity such as the RDP, GEAR and others.
v. Demonstrate the following skills:
• Identify students with learning problems.
• Assess students with learning problems.
• Explain the concepts ‘learning problems’ and ‘identification and assessment of students with learning problems’ to colleagues and parents.
• Think critically.
vi. Explain the importance of effective classroom management for students with learning problems.
vii. Identifying students with limited intellectual abilities and their educational implications in terms of placement/or not in special schools.
viii. Discuss some of the different types of ear defects and visual barriers and explain the educational implications of these ear defects and discuss the importance of modifying the language curriculum for students with hearing problems.
ix. Explain the concepts of social, emotional and behavioural problems and describe the relationship between social, emotional and behavioural problems.
x. Describe the role of education support services with regard to assessment today.
xi. Discuss the significance of guidance counselling.
Prerequisites: UU-Bsc-IND100-ZM, UU-FNT-103-ZM
Prerequisites Categories: Year 1
Typical Module duration: 4.0 Week(s)