Machine Learning Technologies (MSc)Module Details
Module/Course Description
Course Title: Machine Learning Technologies (MSc)
Course Code: UU-COM-760-ZM
Programme: Master of Science in Computer Science
Credits: 25.00
Course Description:
The main objective of the course is to give students a solid grounding in the concepts of machine learning using hands-on practical work and algorithmic-level understanding.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course students will be expected to:
(i) Understand the algorithmic basis of machine learning algorithms.
(ii) Implement issues in learning algorithms and the evaluation of their performance.
(iii) Characterise data in terms of explanatory models.
(iv) Critically appraise the uses of Deep Learning.
(v) Appreciate of the landscape of tools used for modern machine learning.
(vi) Systematically work with data to learn new patterns or concepts.
(vii) Gain expertise in working with machine learning to make predictions in a scientific computing environment.
Prerequisites: UU-Msc-IND100-ZM, UU-FNT-203-ZM, UU-COM-713-ZM, UU-COM-714-ZM, UU-COM-715-ZM
Prerequisites Categories: -
Typical Module duration: 7.0 Week(s)