Marketing CommunicationsModule Details
Module/Course Description
Course Title: Marketing Communications
Course Code: UU-MBA-765-ZM
Programme: Master of Business Administration - Marketing
Credits: 25.00
Course Description:
Background and Rationale
This course focuses on the messages and media used to relay information about a market and the communication strategies that may be used to reach target markets. The course aims to help students understand the principles and practices of marketing communications and the selection and use of marketing tools to inform consumers and to provide a managerial framework for integrated marketing communications planning.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course students will be expected to:
1) Apply marketing communication theories and concepts to understand the business environment for a company.
2) Discuss the importance and role of marketing communications in marketing and marketing planning.
3) Develop marketing communication objectives for a specified target market considering a range of media and methods available to marketers.
4) Use tools such as Advertising, Sales Promotions, Direct Marketing, Public Relations etc. to enhance the dynamic function of a corporation in the market, while maintaining a strong branding strategy.
5) Discuss the nature and use of the various communication tools and advertising media (television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and out-of-home) in advertising campaigns.
6) Develop a promotional tactical advertisement (including print, audio or visual methods).
Prerequisites: UU-MBA-710-ZM, UU-MBA-712-ZM, UU-MBA-714-ZM, UU-MBA-717-ZM, UU-MBA-718-ZM, UU-Msc-IND100-ZM, UU-FNT-203-ZM, UU-MBA-763-ZM
Prerequisites Categories: -
Typical Module duration: 7.0 Week(s)