Current issues in Management ResearchModule Details
Module/Course Description
Course Title: Current issues in Management Research
Course Code: UU-DBA-820-ZM
Programme: Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA)
Credits: 30.00
Course Description:
Background and Rationale
This course aims to give students insight and knowledge, from a wide range of examples, into the types of research questions that are currently being addressed, the range of methods available in management and their application, as well as the problems and challenges that arise in research development. Students will be encouraged to engage with and respond effectively to presentations of research and they will gain detailed knowledge of management research methodologies through an independently produced essay.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course students will be expected to:
1) Discuss issues currently being researched within management.
2) Describe the methodologies employed within these research projects.
3) Evaluate methodology within the context of management.
4) Critique research, evaluate arguments and assess research presentations.
5) Evaluate research and communicate research analysis effectively.
6) Acquire further knowledge by studying independently.
7) Manage time effectively in order to work efficiently within deadlines.
Prerequisites: UU-DOC-IND100-ZM, UU-DBA-810-ZM
Prerequisites Categories: -
Typical Module duration: 8.0 Week(s)